Backpack for Hunger Initiative

January 22, 2024 | Posted in: Latest News

We want to thank our amazing employees for their contributions to help a local school district with their Backpacks to Fight Hunger Initiative!!


This is a program that active and retired teachers have implemented at many local schools. They witnessed firsthand that several children arrived on Monday mornings and were either not focusing properly or had stomach aches and needed to be sent to the nurse. They eventually realized that the kids were not eating (or not eating much) over the weekends. This program provides non-perishable breakfast and lunch items (along with some snacks) to kids that need it over the weekends.


Our staff purchased food for and assembled bags to be distributed to approximately 208 students on Friday, January 12th.


We believe it is extremely important to give back to the community that we live and work in. We are very proud of our employees for stepping up to help!